École primaire Les Grillons – Ecole publique avec section internationale

A Digital Partnership

Dear parents,
First of all, I’m delighted to announce that I will be setting up a digital correspondence with my CM pupils -Y5 and Y6 pupils – in partnership with EUROPA SCHOOL in Culham, England.

About us

We started the correspondence last Thursday and are eagerly awaiting the replies from our pen pals! The immediacy of digital communication and the use of digital tablets are two aspects of this correspondence that the pupils really enjoy.

This new digital pen-pal project is in addition to the letter exchange I established last year with Edgebury Primary School in Chislehurst, south-east London.

I would also like to take this opportunity to invite you to send in your children’s applications for entry to 6e SIB at Collège Jean Perrin.

You will find all the information you need on the school website, under the INTERNATIONAL tab: https://collegejeanperrin.blogs.laclasse.com/?p=1098

The downloadable application form should be printed out, completed and handed in to the secretary’s office.

On the application form, a box must be filled in with the written opinion of the student’s English teacher: this does not apply to students from Les Grillons, whose teacher I am myself.

If the school offers an open day, the information will be posted on Jean Perrin site.

Best regards, L. Alves Gay